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uMarketplace Vendors Promotions Add-on


Vendor Promotions add-on provides an option for vendors to create shopping cart rule with coupon (optional) from Vendor Portal. It enhances all the flexibility of Magento shipping cart rules.
On the checkout, promotions will apply to vendor's products only, leaving other vendor's products intact.


While creating a promotions, vendor will have the following options:


This section allow to setup conditions that need to be met in order for promotion to be applied to customer's shopping cart.
Vendor can group sub-condiotions by logical unions. Setup conditions that check vendor products in cart as whole (total qty, total amount) or by existence (or not) of some products in cart (attributes check, categories check, by sku or combinations). Also address and shipping/payment method conditions.

Actions Filter

This sections have a lot in common with Conditions section. Here the filter might be setup for which items it allows to apply promotions. Conditions section helps setup general rules and second rules by each product being checked.