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Two-Factor Authentication Manual
Added setting to vendor in admin panel of magento(for platform owner only)
Go to Sales→Vendors
Select required vendor and go to Vendor edit form
Open Preferences tab →Two-Factor Authentication
Enable – yes – this vendor and VendorUsers for this vendor will have the two-factor authentication enabled. Therefore there will be two-factor auth step on vendor login action.
Enable – no – this vendor and VendorUsers for this vendor will have the two-factor authentication disabled. .Therefore there will not be two-factor auth step on vendor login action.
Click on “Save Vendor” button
Got to System→Cache Management and clean the cache.

Vendor login with Two-Factor auth enabled like described above:
Go to vendor portal.
Login via Vendor credentials
If Two-Factor auth have been already configured, then two-factor auth form will be shown:

Enter the code from Google Authenticator Application and press confirm.
All vendor pages should be available.
If Two-factor auth have not been configured then on after vendor login the message that configuration was sent to vendor or Vendor user email will be shown.

Vendor should go into his email provider and click on the provided link to further configure the Two-factor auth

After page opened the google authentication page with QR code and code will be shown

Scan the QR with google authenticator application and enter the code provided.
Press confirm
Vendor portal page with all menus avaible should be opened.
udropship/umarketplace/m2/two-factor-auth.1695747678.txt.gz · by wtsergo