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udropship:umarketplace:reference [2021/11/29 10:55]
udropship:umarketplace:reference [2021/12/29 19:41]
wtsergo [Vendor Options]
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 |Allow use of all PO udropship method associated system carriers  \\ when generate label|When generating labels and If Yes, then system will allow to choose any system carrier from the shipping carriers associated with udropship  method, used when order was placed | |Allow use of all PO udropship method associated system carriers  \\ when generate label|When generating labels and If Yes, then system will allow to choose any system carrier from the shipping carriers associated with udropship  method, used when order was placed |
 |Allow use of all carrier methods when generate label|If No, then only shipping methods, which associated with dropshipping are allowed. If Yes then all shipping methods are allowed| |Allow use of all carrier methods when generate label|If No, then only shipping methods, which associated with dropshipping are allowed. If Yes then all shipping methods are allowed|
 +|Explicitly visible in vendor portal system shipping methods|Specific system methods that will be visible in PO and Shipment forms in vendor portal. Could be used to create PO shipments with system shipping method distinct from PO method. Or add tracking number with method distinct from shipment method|
 |Allowed forced PO status change|AdvancedPO add-on required. If No, PO status can not change to shipped unless all PO shipments have status "shipped" or "delivered". If Yes, then PO  statuses can changed| |Allowed forced PO status change|AdvancedPO add-on required. If No, PO status can not change to shipped unless all PO shipments have status "shipped" or "delivered". If Yes, then PO  statuses can changed|
 |Default custom text on the bottom of packing slip|The text defined in this field will appear in the bottom of the page on all packing slips| |Default custom text on the bottom of packing slip|The text defined in this field will appear in the bottom of the page on all packing slips|
Line 215: Line 216:
 |Delay in days to send "Email notification / Follow up emails"|Once shipment reaches status selected in "Allow customer review on the following statuses", set the number of days on which to send shipments review reminder email to a customer. The days should be separated  by comma, for example 3,5,7 \\ If customer left the review, the notification will not be sent  again| |Delay in days to send "Email notification / Follow up emails"|Once shipment reaches status selected in "Allow customer review on the following statuses", set the number of days on which to send shipments review reminder email to a customer. The days should be separated  by comma, for example 3,5,7 \\ If customer left the review, the notification will not be sent  again|
 |Customer Notification Template|Shipments review reminder email template| |Customer Notification Template|Shipments review reminder email template|
-===== Vendor Preferences ===== 
-==== Vendor Info ==== 
-^Vendor edit > vendor info tab ^ ^ 
-|options with red * asterisk must be configured|| 
-|Vendor Name|Name of the Vendor| 
-|Status|if Active, vendor can sell products and login into Vendor Portal.  \\ If Inactive, vendor will be able to sell products and access Vendor Portal.  \\ If Inactive and Multivendor add-on, vendor will not be able to sell, but will be able to  access Vendor Portal.   \\ If Inactive and Microsite add-on, vendor's landing page will not be visible. Vendor will be able to access Vendor Portal. \\ If  Disabled, vendor products will be automatically disabled and vendor can  not access  Vendor Portal. To set products to be automatically  \\ disabled,   Configuration > Drop Shipping > Customer Options > Action on enable/disable vendor will have to be configured. \\ If Disabled, and Multivendor add-on, then vendor will not be able to sell and will not be able to access Vendor Portal. \\ If Disabled and Microsite add-on, vendor's landing page will not be visible and vendor can not access Vendor Portal \\ If Rejected and  MicrositePro add-on, vendor will received a reject email with the reason. The Reject Reason can be defined in the text area, \\ once Rejected status is chosen as well as either Reject email should be send or not. Vendor can not access Vendor Portal| 
-|Send Confirmation Email|Status "Active" and if Yes and MicrositePro add-on, email with confirmation link will be sent to vendor. The Vendor Portal  \\ will not be accessible until vendor confirms the email address.| 
-|Preferred Carrier |Carrier which will be used to determent the system shipping method associated with dropship method  \\ Vendor edit > shipping methods tab > "estimate carrier" or "carrier override" = "* use default"| 
-|Vendor Email|Vendor's email which can also be used as the username to login into Vendor Portal| 
-|New Password|Admin have an ability to change vendor's password. If empty, password will not be changed| 
-|Vendor Telephone|Vendor's telephone number. Some carriers do require telephone number for proper shipping label generation| 
-|Vendor Fax|Vendor's Fax| 
-|Notification Template|Transactional email to be used for new order notification email, If "Use default configuration", uses default template. Other templates can be  set in System > Transactional Email | 
-|Is Featured|PriceComparison Add-on is required. If Yes, vendor will be highlighted and placed at the top of the vendor's offer table | 
-|Vacation Mode|Umarketplace extension. If Not Vacation, vendor operating normally.  \\ If  Notify Customer on Availability, cart page product row will contain a message with the future shipping date. Vacation end date needs to be set. \\ If Disable Products, products will have "Vacation" status and will not be visible on the frontend. Vacation end date needs to be set| 
-|Allow customers review/rate vendor|If Yes, customers will be able to leave the review and rate vendor| 
-==== Shipping Origin Address ==== 
-^Shipping Origin Address> ^ will be used as origin during shopping cart rates calculation and generate shipping labels. ^ 
-|Attention To|Will be used as vendor Contact Person name when generate shipping labels. And in statement PDF| 
-|Street|Street of vendor oriring| 
-|City|City of vendor oriring| 
-|Zip / Postal code|Postal code  of vendor oriring| 
-|Country|Origin country| 
-|State|Origin state (if applicable to country)| 
-==== Billing Address ==== 
-^Billing Address>^ ^ 
-|Same as Shipping|if Yes shipping address will be used for billing too (i.e. in vendor statements)\\ If No  billing address could different from shipping | 
-==== Batch Orders Export ==== 
-^Prefernces> Batch Orders Export ^Batch add-on is required^ 
-|Export Orders Method|if No Export, no export will be executed \\ if  Manual Only, batch export can performed if batch export created manually in Sales > Dropship > Batch Import/Export > batches > Create Order Export Batch \\ if Auto Scheduled, batch records will be exported by schedule \\ if Instant, once PO is created, batch record will be created and PO will be exported \\ if Instant by Status, once Po reaches the status set in Configuration >  Drop Shipping > Orders Batch Options > Export On Po Statuses,  it will be exported| 
-|Export Orders Adapter|Default Adapter is a CSV adapter. Customization is possible.| 
-|Export Orders Schedule|Generic Cron format| 
-|Export Orders Destination Locations|Possible to set up multiple locations strings, each on a separate line. Formats can be found by clicking \\ \\ | 
-|Export Per PO| if Yes, for each PO separate file will be created  \\ if No, all PO's will be exported into one file \\ | 
-|Export Orders Header|Export file header | 
-|Export Orders Template|Site Admin creates template using codes, based on which export file will be generated| 
-|Use Order Items Separate Template|if No, export order template will be rendered multiple times depending on quantity of PO items \\ if Yes, export template will be rendered once for PO and for each PO item, data will be exported by Order Items Separate Template| 
-|Order Items Separate Template, if Yes in  \\ Use Order Items Separate Template|Used per Item, if general order info have to be placed on first line and  item specific data needs to be rendered on each separate line| 
-|Order Items Footer Template, if Yes in  \\ Use Order Items Separate Template|Used for separating order data in export file| 
-|Change PO status on export|Once PO exported, status can be changed automatically. To prevent the order to be exported multiple times, it should not intersect with statuses set in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Orders Batch Options >  Export On Po Statuses| 
-==== Batch Orders Import ==== 
-^Batch Orders Import> ^ ^ 
-|Import Orders Adapter|Default Adapter reads a CSV adapter. Customization is possible| 
-|Import Orders Method|if No Import, no import will be executed \\ if Manual only, batch import can be performed if batch import created manually in Sales >  \\ Dropship > Batch Import/Export > batches > Create Tracking Import Batch \\ if Auto Scheduled, batch records will be imported by schedule| 
-|Import Orders Schedule|Generic Cron format| 
-|Import Orders Source Location|Example locations, formats can be found by clicking \\| 
-|Use wildcard in source location|if No, location have to correspond to the specific file \\ if Yes, Unix shells glob format can be used in location Files, which  \\ corresponds  to the last part of location can be imported| 
-|Import only recent files (track location files timestamps)|if Yes, new files, created after the last import, will be imported \\ if No, files which corresponds to location will be imported| 
-|Action on imported file|if No Action, no action after import \\ if Delete, after import delete file \\ if Rename, after import rename file \\ if Move, after import move file \\ if Rename + Move, after import rename and move file| 
-|Import Orders Template|Site Admin creates template using codes, based on which import file will  be parsed to retrieve the data  \\ \\ | 
-|Import Orders Field Delimiter|Each line of data need to be separated by the delimiter set here| 
-|Change PO status on import|Once PO imported, status will be changed automatically| 
-|Skip first row in import file|if Yes, if first row is header, then it will be skipped \\ if No, first row will be included | 
-==== Inventory Import ==== 
-^Inventory Import>^ ^ 
-|Import Orders Adapter|Default Adapter reads a CSV adapter. Customization is possible| 
-|Import Inventory Method|if No Import, no import will be executed \\ if Manual only, batch import can be performed if batch import created manually in Sales >  \\ Dropship > Batch Import/Export > batches > Create Inventory Import Batch \\ if Auto Scheduled, batch records will be imported by schedule| 
-|Import Inventory Schedule|Generic Cron format| 
-|Import Inventory Source Location|Example locations, formats can be found by clicking \\| 
-|Use wildcard in source location|if No, location have to correspond to the specific file \\ if Yes, Unix shells glob format can be used in location Files, which  \\ corresponds  to the last part of location can be imported| 
-|Import only recent files (track location files timestamps)|if Yes, new files, created after the last import, will be imported \\ if No, files which corresponds to location will be imported| 
-|Reindex Type|if Realtime, updated after the import products will be reindexed \\ if Full, all products will be reindexed  \\ if Manual, reindexing will have to be manual| 
-|Action on imported file|if No Action, no action after import \\ if Delete, after import delete file \\ if Rename, after import rename file \\ if Move, after import move file \\ if Rename + Move, after import rename and move file| 
-|Import Inventory Template|Site Admin creates template using codes, based on which import file will  be parsed to retrieve the data  \\| 
-|Import Inventory Field Delimiter|Each line of data need to be separated by the delimiter set here| 
-|Skip first row in import file|if Yes, if first row is header, then it will be skipped \\ if No, first row will be included | 
-==== Integration ==== 
-^Integration>^ ^ 
-|New Order Notification Method|AdvancedPO add-on is required \\ if No Notification, no action \\ if Email Notification, once PO is created, email notification will be sent to vendor \\ if Email Notification by Status, once PO reaches the status,  email notification will be sent to vendor \\ The status is set in Notify vendor on PO Status| 
-|Stock Check Method|Vendor's inventory will be checked, if MultiVendor add-on then in dropship vendor tab, otherwise in  inventory tab in product edit.  \\ Customization is available.| 
-|Attach Packing Slip to Notifications|if Yes, packing slip will be attached to new order notification \\ if No, no attachment  | 
-|Attach PO Pdf to Notifications|if Yes, PO PDF will be attached to new order notification \\ if No, no attachment  | 
-|Hide shipping amount in po pdf|if No, shipping amount will be hidden \\ if Yes,  shipping amount will not be hidden \\ if Use Config, use global configurations in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Vendor Options >  Hide shipping amount in PO PDF| 
-|Hide shipping amount in packingslip|if No, shipping amount will be hidden \\ if Yes,  shipping amount will not be hidden \\ if  Use Config, use global configurations in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Vendor Options >  Hide shipping amount in packingslip| 
-|Attach Shipping Label to Notifications|if No, no attachment  \\ if Yes, shipping label will be attached to order notifications and additionally carrier need to support  label printing (ups, usps, fedex) \\ vendor preference > Shipping Labels > Label Type - need to be non empty (PDF or EPL) \\ and valid carrier credentials filled in proper section of vendor preference| 
-|Notify on low stock qty|if Yes, low stock notification email will be sent to vendor if quantity reaches the number set in Low stock qty.  \\ Custom transaction email could be selected here Configuration > Drop Shipping > Vendor Options >  Low stock vendor notification template \\ if No, no action| 
-|New Order Carbon Copy Emails|Copy of order notification emails can be sent to the email addresses listed here| 
-|Handling Fee|if Default System Rules, use handling system carrier' configurations which is used for rates calculations \\ if Simple Custom Rules, custom handling amount can be configured in Simple  Handling Fee (fallback for advanced) \\ Calculation formula will be determent based on Handling Type + Handling Action configurations \\ if Advanced Custom Rules, advanced condition have to be set in Advanced Handling Rule and Advanced Handling Config \\ Use Simple Handling Fee (fallback for advanced) if no advanced rules are set| 
-|Handling Type|if Fixed, fixed value to be added to shipping amount. Value is set in previous configuration \\ if Percent, percent of shipping amount to be added shipping amount. Percent is set is  previous configuration| 
-|Handling Action|per Order, handling amount will be added to shipping amount for vendor sub-cart once \\ per Package, most system carriers have Maximum Package Weight, which determents number of packages in vendor sub-cart \\ if sub-cart have multi packages, fixed value will be added multiple times| 
-|Allowed Countries|Countries, where vendor can deliver their products. if country is not on the list, the message will appear| 
-|Limit to zipcodes|Zip codes, where vendor can deliver their products. see examples bellow the text area| 
-|URL key|Microsite add-on  is required. Vendor URL key to be used for vendor's landing page| 
-|Initial Virtual PO Status|AdvancedPO add on is required. Initial status for the virtual product PO \\ global configurations can be set in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Purchase Order Options > Default Virtual PO Status| 
-|Initial PO Status|AdvancedPO add on is required. Initial status for the PO \\ global configurations can be set in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Purchase Order Options > Default PO Status| 
-|Initial Customer Shipment Status|Set the status for the newly created shipment \\ global configurations can be set in Configuration > Drop Shipping > Vendor Options > Default Customer Shipment Status| 
-|Default PO sort by in vendor interface|Set the field  for PO sort order for vendor portal dashboard| 
-|Default PO sort direction in vendor interface|Set sort order direction| 
-|Default Shipping Method Pattern|SplitRate add-on required. Regular expression pattern to be matched against system method title to determent default shipping methods selection | 
-|Logo Image|image to be displayed on vendor's landing page| 
-|Use Vendor specific custom text on the bottom of packing slip|if Use Config, text will be displayed at the bottom of packing slip. Global configuration to be set in Configuration > Drop Shipping >  \\ Vendor Options > Default custom text on the bottom of packing slip \\ if Yes, text to be displayed at the bottom of packing slip can be customized in Vendor specific custom text on the bottom of packing slip \\ if No, no action| 
-|Use Vendor specific custom text on the bottom of purchase  \\ order PDF \\ |if Use Config, text will be displayed at the bottom of PO PDF. Global configuration to be set in Configuration > Drop Shipping > \\ Purchase Order Options > Default custom text on the bottom of purchase order PDF \\ if Yes, text to be displayed at the bottom of PO PDF can be customized in Vendor specific custom text on the bottom of purchase order PDF \\ if No, no action| 
-|Show totals in vendor portal order view|if Yes, PO total amounts to be used for statement calculations  will be displayed in order view box in Vendor Portal \\ if No, no total amount will be displayed | 
-==== Customer ==== 
-^Customer>^ ^ 
-|Use Custom HTML Customer Address Template For Vendors|If Yes, vendor can be configured to use the custom HTML template for customer address. Default data can be copied from \\ Configuration > Customer Configuration > Address Templates > HTML then modifications can be done in "HTML Customer Address Template For Vendors" | 
-|Use Custom PDF Customer Address Template For Vendors|If Yes, vendor can be configured to use the custom PDF template for customer address. Default  data can be copied from  \\ Configuration > Customer Configuration > Address Templates > PDF then modifications can be done in "PDF Customer Address Template For Vendors" | 
-==== Statement ==== 
-==== Payout ==== 
-==== Shipping Labels ==== 
-^Shipping Labels> ^ ^ 
-|Poll Tracking API|if Disable, no action \\ if Use label carrier, polling will be done based on shipping method of shipment \\ if Fedex, will be used for polltracking \\ if Webshopps fedex, will be used for polltracking| 
-|Label Type|if No label, labels will not be printed \\ if PDF, labels will be printed in PDF format \\ if EPL, labels will be printed in EPL format| 
-|Dimension Units|Set package dimension units| 
-|Default Package Length|Set package length| 
-|Default Package Width|Set package width| 
-|Default Package Height|Set package hight| 
-==== PDF Specific ==== 
-^PDF Specific> ^ ^ 
-|PDF Page Size|Set page size| 
-|PDF Page Width|Set page width| 
-|PDF Page Height|Set page height| 
-|PDF Label Rotation|Set label rotation | 
-|PDF Label Left Offset|Set label left offset| 
-|PDF Label Top Offset|Set label top offset| 
-==== EPL Specific ==== 
-^EPL Specific> ^ ^ 
-|Enable Printing DocTab|if Yes, printing is enabled \\ if No, printing is not enabled| 
-==== UPS Specific ==== 
-^UPS Specific> ^please refer to the UPS documentation for configurations settings or contact UPS support^ 
-==== UPS Specific ==== 
-^Endicia (USPS) Specific> ^please refer to the Endicia documentation for configurations settings or contact Endicia support^ 
-==== FedEx Specific ==== 
-^FedEx Specific> ^please refer to the FedEx documentation for configurations settings or contact FedEx support^ 
-==== Microsite ==== 
-^Microsite>^Microsite add-on is required^ 
-|Shop Description|Description to be displayed on vendor's landing page| 
-|Landing page title|Vendor's landing page title| 
-|CMS Landing Page|MicrositePro add-on is required. Choose the CMS page to be used for landing page| 
-|Default Product Promo Title|Price Comparison add-on is required. Title to be displayed in price comparison table on product page, if  vendor title is not configured in Dropship Tab of Product Edit in Admin area| 
-|Enable Manage Products functionality|Enable or disable system view in Vendor Portal| 
-|Limit Websites|If using system view functionality this will allow to limit websites with which vendor can associate his products| 
-|Limit Categories|Enable or disable categories to be selected by the vendor. if No, no limit| 
-==== Vendor Portal Product Edit ==== 
-^Vendor Portal Product Edit> ^ ^ 
-|Use custom value for global "Unpublish  \\ vendor product on following changes"|if Yes, custom per vendor configurations set in "Unpublish vendor product on following changes" will be used instead of global configurations in   \\ Configuration > Vendor Products Edit > General > Unpublish vendor product.   \\ for more details \\ if No, use global configurations Configuration > Vendor Products Edit > General > Unpublish vendor product| 
-|Use custom value for global "Allowed types of product"|if Yes, custom per vendor configurations set in "Allowed types of product" will be used instead of global configurations in   \\ Configuration > Vendor Products Edit > General >Allowed types of product.   \\ for more details \\ if No, use global configurations Configuration > Vendor Products Edit > General >Allowed types of product| 
-|Use custom value for global "Inventory Manage Stock">|per vendor config for magento native set in Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options| 
-|Use custom value for global "Inventory Backorders">|per vendor config for magento native set in Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options| 
-|Use custom value for global "Inventory Qty for Item' \\ Status to Become Out of Stock">|per vendor config for magento native set in Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options| 
-|Use custom value for global "Inventory Minimum  \\ Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart">|per vendor config for magento native set in Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options| 
-|Use custom value for global "Inventory Maximum  \\ Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart">|per vendor config for magento native set in Configuration > Inventory > Product Stock Options| 
-|Returns Fedex Specific> \\ |use global "Configuration > uReturns" or per vendor configurations for returns label priniting | 
-|Returns Endicia Specific>|use global "Configuration > uReturns" or per vendor configurations for returns label priniting | 
-|Returns UPS Specific>|use global "Configuration > uReturns" or per vendor configurations for returns label priniting | 
-==== Custom Data ==== 
-|Custom Data>>|In vendor edit > ''Custom data tab \\ you can enter custom data in format \\  \\ ===== description ===== \\ Description \\  \\ ===== return_policy ===== \\ Return Policy \\  \\ ===== about_us ===== \\ About Us \\  \\ in basic microsite : reference data in the template  \\ app\design\frontend\default\default\template\unirgy\microsite\home.phtml \\ via \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('umicrosite')->getCurrentVendor()->getData('description')?> \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('umicrosite')->getCurrentVendor()->getData('return_policy')?> \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('umicrosite')->getCurrentVendor()->getData('about_us')?> \\  \\ in microsite pro CMS pages you can reference that data using \\ <nowiki>{{</nowiki>var currentVendor.getData('description')<nowiki>}}</nowiki> \\ <nowiki>{{</nowiki>var currentVendor.getData('return_policy')<nowiki>}}</nowiki> \\ <nowiki>{{</nowiki>var currentVendor.getData('about_us')<nowiki>}}</nowiki> \\  \\ on product pages \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('udropship')->getVendor($_product->getUdropshipVendor())->getData('description') ?> \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('udropship')->getVendor($_product->getUdropshipVendor())->getData('return_policy') ?> \\ <?php echo Mage::helper('udropship')->getVendor($_product->getUdropshipVendor())->getData('about_us') ?>''| 
-|Shipping Methods>>|please refer to the following \\| 
-|Tier Commission>>|please refer to the following| 
-|Shipping Rates>>|please refer to the following| 
-|Associated Products>>|Products Vendor Association | 
-|Customer Questions>>|please refer to the following| 
-|Customer Reviews>>|this section will list customer reviews. for more information| 
udropship/umarketplace/reference.txt · by wtsergo